Dashboard Error Log

If you are having continued errors with Dollar Eighty, we need you to send us your error log to help us identify and fix the issue.

Follow these steps below to download your error log and submit it in the form below. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

How to export your Dollar Eighty Dashboard error log

1. On the Dollar Eighty dashboard right-click and select ‘Inspect’. 

2. The console will pop up in another window, make sure you select the ‘Console’ tab.

3. On the top half of the console tab, Right-click and select save as and save the file to your computer. This file is your error log

  • Note: it does not matter what name you save the file as.

4. Complete this form below, upload the error log file that was just downloaded to your computer and submit for our review.  

[wpforms id=”2677″ title=”false” description=”false”]

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Email us at support@dollareighty.com and we will get back to you as soon as we can!